Surviving Holiday Travel: Lindsay's Travel Essentials

The holiday season is my favorite. But with the busy season comes travel. Though I travel a lot throughout the year, holiday travel usually means more people, more traffic, less time, longer lines – you get it. I want to share a few of my favorite products and tips to hopefully ease your travel stresses this holiday season. 

  1. This adorable clutch. One of the most stressful parts of flying somewhere is going through airport security. I always feel rushed to get all my stuff together and figured out so that I don’t hold up the line. This clutch makes it so easy to hold my phone, boarding pass, ID, and anything else I need for my flight. It’s the perfect size and also the perfect color to go with any outfit.
  1. I never travel without my refillable water bottle. On a long flight, you never realize how dehydrated you get in the air. As long as it’s empty going through security, you can take any empty water bottle with you, and fill it up right as you get into the airport. If you’re flying anywhere this season, don’t forget to drink your water!
  2. I’ve recently been loving my portable phone charger. Sometimes I get lucky and end up on a flight with power outlets, but not always. It’s so nice to be able to use my phone knowing I have a back-up plan to keep it charged. I also end up using it to charge my Bluetooth headphones, another important necessity of mine.
  3. Let’s talk accessories. Packing can be hard, especially if you’re limited to one small carry-on bag. It’s super helpful to pack items that you can wear with multiple outfits. For example, pack clothes all in the same color scheme, making it easier to mix and match outfits. Same goes for jewelry and accessories. One of my favorite accessories is this bangle. It’s simple, comfortable, and so easy to pair with any outfit. 
  1. Last, but definitely not least, don’t be afraid to be comfortable. I’ve definitely been that girl that wants to look cute, even while walking through the airport. But I’ve learned through delays and missed flights that nothing beats comfort. A cozy sweatshirt and leggings will for sure help you tackle any travel stress you may face.

Through all your busy travel this holiday season, I pray that joy and love would outweigh the stress you may feel in this crazy time. And remember the true reason for the season and the best gift we could ever receive, Jesus. I hope at least one of these tips or products eases your holiday stresses. Happy travels!


by Lindsay Thomas



Lindsay Thomas is a worship leader at a church in Modesto, California. She is a self proclaimed maker of pretty coffee drinks and terrible puns. You can read her blog posts at and keep up with her adventures and beautiful images by following @thelindsaythomas on Instagram.

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